Source code for regparser.tree.xml_parser.paragraph_processor

import abc
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict

import six
from lxml import etree

from regparser.layer.formatting import table_xml_to_plaintext
from regparser.layer.key_terms import KeyTerms
from regparser.tree.depth import markers as mtypes
from regparser.tree.depth import heuristics
from regparser.tree.depth.derive import debug_idx, derive_depths
from regparser.tree.depth.markers import deemphasize
from regparser.tree.paragraph import hash_for_paragraph
from regparser.tree.struct import Node
from regparser.tree.xml_parser import tree_utils

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ParagraphProcessor(object): """Processing paragraphs in a generic manner requires a lot of state to be carried in between xml nodes. Use a class to wrap that state so we can compartmentalize processing with various tags. This is an abstract class; regtext, interpretations, appendices, etc. should inherit and override where needed""" # Subclasses should override the following interface MATCHERS = [] # Subclasses may choose to change the depth-deriving heuristics or weights DEPTH_HEURISTICS = OrderedDict() DEPTH_HEURISTICS[heuristics.prefer_diff_types_diff_levels] = 0.8 DEPTH_HEURISTICS[heuristics.prefer_multiple_children] = 0.4 DEPTH_HEURISTICS[heuristics.prefer_shallow_depths] = 0.2 DEPTH_HEURISTICS[heuristics.prefer_no_markerless_sandwich] = 0.2
[docs] def parse_nodes(self, xml): """Derive a flat list of nodes from this xml chunk. This does nothing to determine node depth""" nodes = [] for child in xml.getchildren(): matching = (m for m in self.MATCHERS if m.matches(child)) tag_matcher = next(matching, None) if tag_matcher: nodes.extend(tag_matcher.derive_nodes(child, processor=self)) else: logger.warning("No tag match\n%s", etree.tounicode(child)) # Trailing stars don't matter; slightly more efficient to ignore them while nodes and nodes[-1].label[0] in mtypes.stars: nodes = nodes[:-1] return nodes
[docs] def select_depth(self, depths): """There might be multiple solutions to our depth processing problem. Use heuristics to select one.""" for fn, weight in self.DEPTH_HEURISTICS.items(): depths = fn(depths, weight) depths = sorted(depths, key=lambda d: d.weight, reverse=True) return depths[0]
[docs] def build_hierarchy(self, root, nodes, depths): """Given a root node, a flat list of child nodes, and a list of depths, build a node hierarchy around the root""" stack = tree_utils.NodeStack() stack.add(0, root) for node, depth_info in zip(nodes, depths): node.label = [mtypes.deemphasize(l) for l in node.label] self.replace_markerless(stack, node, depth_info.depth + 1) self.carry_label_to_children(node) if depth_info.typ != mtypes.stars: stack.add(1 + depth_info.depth, node) return stack.collapse()
[docs] def carry_label_to_children(self, node): """Takes a node and recursively processes its children to add the appropriate label prefix to them.""" for child in node.children: child.label = node.label + child.label[-1:] self.carry_label_to_children(child)
[docs] def replace_markerless(stack, node, depth): """Assign a unique index to all of the MARKERLESS paragraphs""" if node.label[-1] == mtypes.MARKERLESS: keyterm = KeyTerms.keyterm_in_node(node, ignore_definitions=False) if keyterm: p_num = hash_for_paragraph(keyterm) else: # len(n.label[-1]) < 6 filters out keyterm nodes p_num = sum(n.is_markerless() and len(n.label[-1]) < 6 for n in stack.peek_level(depth)) + 1 node.label[-1] = 'p{0}'.format(p_num)
[docs] def separate_intro(nodes): """In many situations the first unlabeled paragraph is the "intro" text for a section. We separate that out here""" labels = [n.label[0] for n in nodes] # label is only one part long only_one = labels == [mtypes.MARKERLESS] switches_after_first = ( len(nodes) > 1 and labels[0] == mtypes.MARKERLESS and labels[1] != mtypes.MARKERLESS) first_xml = nodes[0].source_xml if len(nodes) else None table_first = first_xml is not None and first_xml.tag == "GPOTABLE" extract_first = nodes[0].node_type == "extract" if len(nodes) else None has_title = nodes[0].title if len(nodes) else None if not any([table_first, extract_first, has_title]) and any( [only_one, switches_after_first]): return nodes[0], nodes[1:] else: return None, nodes
[docs] def process(self, xml, root): nodes = self.parse_nodes(xml) intro_node, nodes = self.separate_intro(nodes) if intro_node: root.text = " ".join([root.text, intro_node.text]).strip() tagged_text_list = [] if root.tagged_text: tagged_text_list.append(root.tagged_text) if intro_node.tagged_text: tagged_text_list.append(intro_node.tagged_text) if tagged_text_list: root.tagged_text = ' '.join(tagged_text_list) if nodes: markers = [node.label[0] for node in nodes] constraints = self.additional_constraints() depths = derive_depths(markers, constraints) if not depths: logger.warning("Could not derive paragraph depths." " Retrying with relaxed constraints.") deemphasized_markers = [deemphasize(m) for m in markers] constraints = self.relaxed_constraints() depths = derive_depths(deemphasized_markers, constraints) if not depths: fails_at = debug_idx(markers, constraints) logger.error( "Could not determine paragraph depths (<%s /> %s):\n" "%s\n" "?? %s\n" "Remaining markers: %s", xml.tag, root.label_id(), derive_depths(markers[:fails_at], constraints)[0].pretty_str(), markers[fails_at], markers[fails_at + 1:]) depths = self.select_depth(depths) return self.build_hierarchy(root, nodes, depths) else: return root
[docs] def additional_constraints(): """Hook for subtypes to add additional constraints""" return []
[docs] def relaxed_constraints(): """Hook for subtypes to add relaxed constraints for retry logic""" return []
[docs]class BaseMatcher(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): """Base class defining the interface of various XML node matchers""" @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def matches(self, xml): """Test the xml element -- does this matcher apply?""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def derive_nodes(self, xml, processor=None): """Given an xml node which this matcher applies against, convert it into a list of Node structures. `processor` is the paragraph processor which we are being executed in. May be useful when determining how to create the Nodes""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class StarsMatcher(BaseMatcher): """<STARS> indicates a chunk of text which is being skipped over"""
[docs] def matches(self, xml): return xml.tag == 'STARS'
[docs] def derive_nodes(self, xml, processor=None): return [Node(label=[mtypes.STARS_TAG])]
[docs]class SimpleTagMatcher(BaseMatcher): """Simple example tag matcher -- it listens for specific tags and derives a single node with the associated body""" def __init__(self, *tags): self.tags = list(tags)
[docs] def matches(self, xml): return xml.tag in self.tags
[docs] def derive_nodes(self, xml, processor=None): tagged = tree_utils.get_node_text_tags_preserved(xml).strip() return [Node(text=tree_utils.get_node_text(xml).strip(), tagged_text=tagged, label=[mtypes.MARKERLESS])]
[docs]class IgnoreTagMatcher(SimpleTagMatcher): """As we log warnings when we don't know how to process a tag, this matcher allows us to positively acknowledge that we're ignoring some matches"""
[docs] def derive_nodes(self, xml, processor=None): return []
[docs]class TableMatcher(BaseMatcher): """Matches the GPOTABLE tag"""
[docs] def matches(self, xml): return xml.tag == 'GPOTABLE'
[docs] def derive_nodes(self, xml, processor=None): node = Node(table_xml_to_plaintext(xml), label=[mtypes.MARKERLESS], source_xml=xml) node.tagged_text = etree.tounicode(xml).strip() return [node]
[docs]class HeaderMatcher(BaseMatcher):
[docs] def matches(self, xml): return xml.tag == "HD"
[docs] def derive_nodes(self, xml, processor=None): # This should match HD elements only at lower levels, and for now we'll # just put them into the titles return [Node(text='', title=tree_utils.get_node_text(xml).strip(), label=[mtypes.MARKERLESS])]
[docs]class FencedMatcher(BaseMatcher): """Use github-like fencing to indicate this is code"""
[docs] def matches(self, xml): return xml.tag == 'CODE'
[docs] def derive_nodes(self, xml, processor=None): texts = ["```" + xml.get('LANGUAGE', 'code')] for child in xml: text = tree_utils.get_node_text(child).strip() if text: texts.append(text) texts.append("```") return [Node("\n".join(texts), label=[mtypes.MARKERLESS])]
[docs]class GraphicsMatcher(BaseMatcher): """Convert Graphics tags into a markdown-esque format"""
[docs] def matches(self, xml): return xml.tag == 'GPH'
[docs] def derive_nodes(self, xml, processor=None): text = '' for gid_xml in xml.xpath('./GID'): text += '![]({0})'.format(gid_xml.text) return [Node(text, label=[mtypes.MARKERLESS])]